any loss in bone or muscle mass is a sign of deficiency .... of vitamin or mineral or both .... sometime it is associated with wrong or faulty eating habits .....
get the
blood test done
MRI done &
Bone marrow density done ... along with blood Calcium ...
then do the following
1. add combination of
vitamins n minerals ... till you correct eating habit
2. stop taking water along with food ....stop diluting acid which digest food
3. start eating slowly ... so let the food in mouth mix with saliva .. to digest food
4. stop taking water along with .....
5. stop eating fast ... let the acid mix slowly & completely
6. keep mind away from all the worries ... while eating ... let the whole body prepare juices for you to digest & extract vitamin n other use ful elements from the food .
7. do not add alcohol while eating ..or before eating ... as it contains soda which dilutes acid in the stomach .... which in turn is used to digest the food ...
8. identify
stress ..... negative thinking ... & keep it at a side while eating ....
if still it is not cured then meet