Hi, i'm 21 years old male, my height is 1.68 mts. (5.51 feet), 61 kg (134.48 pounds) and I had two sexual intercourse with two guys each ocassion. I never get into penetratation, neither my partner, but instead we did mutual masturbation and well, touching each other. With the first guy a year ago, we exposed our hands to each one seminal and preseminal fluids. With the second guy, a few weeks ago, we rushed with underpants and some large toilet papers. Anyway, at the end of our intercourse this guy touched my inferior eyelashes and I get spooked for some kind of HIV transmition. I feel good right now, but recently I got some miliaria or rush in feet, surrounding genital area and butt area. I think this is for the arriving summer, I don't know, it itchs me a little bit sometimes not always.
On the other side, I have ingested some gain weight powders and now i feel that ingesting them makes me feel dizzy, anxious, with fast heart pulse, difficulty in breathing and in digestion. Also I had the last part of my tongue kinda yellow, probably by the bilis. I am kinda scaried, do I have necessarily to test me Western Blot or ELISA? Do you think I could have HIV??