Can I break my frenulum on purpose ? I m 14 years old (almost 15) and I know that sex will soon be a part of my life... The thing is, I m French (so not circumsised) and I can pull my prepuce off when I m not erect, I can too when I m erect but I can feel that it s very tight, I m afraid that it might hurt or even break during my first sexual act... Anyway, I d like to know if breaking it on purpose (pulling it hard juste once) is possible (I would of course clean it very well after and do anything NOT to get infected, just like any basic wound...). I know that it bleeds a lot after, I ll juste have to press something clean against it to stop the bleeding ... I know that I can do that surgically, but it s VERY embarrassing... Anyway, thanks for the answer ;)