I started having pain in my left side 10 days ago on Friday. Monday I went to my GP, he took a urine sample, then sent me to the ER, thinking it may be kidney stones (but no blood in urine). ER did cat scan, diagnosed inflamed bowel, put me on metronidazole 500mg tablet 2 times a day, ciprofloxacin HCL 500 mg 2 tmis a day, and dicclomine 20 mg every 6 hours for 10 days as needed. Throughout the week, I have diarrhea every time in have gone to the bathroom, Initially, with an extreme amount of pain. Today, Tuesday, 9 days later, I still have very loose stools, still have pain on my left side. My appetite has been more than half what it use to be. What is going on with me?