Thanks for your concern for your Mother.
The acidity and
nausea (feeling
vomiting ) after / during the course of the medicines for TB can cause such a problem.
Nothing to worry; get an upper GI
Endoscopy done to confirm that there is no ulcer so to see what is the problems.
I would suggest Her the following:
Zantac 12 hourly.
Pepcid every 3 to 4 hours when on empty stomach.
Domperidone or such motility regulators.
Soft bland diet.
No aerated colas / soda/ drinks.
Early dinner. No late nights.
Treatment for
anxiety (as prescribed / needs a prescription by your Doctor)
Lying in a reclining position
Walk around after dinner.
Think of the factors which increased the present problem, GERD, anxiety and try to avoid.
If no relief, get Upper GI endoscopy done and get prescription for added Medicines.