Hello Gani .
As you know that SLE is a systemic disease that involves various organs.
And that is a really good thing that your disese is under control now.
SLE patients can obviously live absolutely normal life as other normal persons, hence you can go ahead with marriage.
After that ,you can plan for
pregnancy also as
fertility rates of a SLE patient is same as a normal person.so don't worry about it.
But i would like to advice you certain things to be taken care of before getting pregnant, are as following :
1. Make sure that your disease is not active at least for 6 months.For that you can go for routine blood tests including cell counts ,
Liver and renal function tests ,Urine examination ,C3 complement and Anti ds DNA antibody levels.
2. ANA profile, Anti cardiolipin antibody and
lupus anticoagulant tests are the tests which can guide us in screening and monitoring of pregnancy.
3. There are chances that lupus features may reappear during pregnancy so keep regular follow up with your
Lastly,yes there are slightly more chances of all autoimmune disease(like SLE) to run in families as compared to other person without any family history getting SLE.
I hope this answer will help you.
Thank you .