Hello and Welcome to HCM,
Let me try to help you figure out your issues. You are losing hair which can be related to the low iron. It can also be related to
hypothyroidism. I suggest you ask your doctor for a
TSH, free T4 to rule out hypothyroidism relative to hair loss.
dexorange is a good supplement and it is causing an upward trend in your serum ferritin. I have clients who cannot get above 9 even with infusions. You didn't mention your Hb level.
bloating is probably not from vitamin D deficiency but something in your diet you are not tolerating
Use lip balm on your lips and drink 10 glasses of fluid per day to help the
dry mouth and lips. These are also side-effects from medication.
You are making progress. Calm down. If things do not improve shortly, write us back with your progress including Hb and ferritin changes. Note any ongoing stomach or bowel symptoms including pain.
Good luck. Kathryn Shattler, MS,RDN