Men looked so much like a girl, hormonal, chromosome, or genetic problem? My best friend had a boyfriend, and lately, there were negative issues about him. It was all caused by his appearance that looked a lot like a girl. He s eighteen this year, but there s just nothing in him that could made him being identified as a grown man, no facial hair , no Adam s Apple, no broad chest and shoulder . Instead of having them, he had round face , soft jaw, childish chin, chubby cheeks , soft voice, short body, and girlish hair and eyebrow. People always mistaken him for a girl. Do you think he had hormonal imbalance or chromosome or genetic problem? if he had, would then this influence his sexual and reproduction life like there s a chance of him being gay, or something? I ll add some extra information, the father of my friend was normal, like other grown up man, and was tall. He looked a lot like his mother in physics which made him weird. He was also emotionally fragile like a girl.