Some background: I have a friend who had their tonsils and adenoids out on august 22nd. The next day, she started bleeding and went to the ER. The doctors performed a cauterization. August 29th she bled again and had to have another cauterization. Crazy enough, September 1st once again she bled. This time it was extremely bad because of all the blood loss. The doctor put a stitch and used floroseal. The next day she had to have a blood transfusion. They also gave her a plasma, and started her on Amacar. She s been off the Amacar and her pain meds, and no longer has any pain whatsoever. Her throat seems to be completely healed and she s been eating solid foods. Her hemoglobin was checked a week ago and had gone up to 9.4 from 7.8 when she got the blood in the hospital. The 17th she moves back into college, and a big concern is if she can drink alcohol. What are your thoughts?