1. going through your symptoms of delayed periods,weight gain, make an appointment with a gynecologist about possible
thyroid disorder or PCOS??
2. aloe vera is given and used by females to regularize delayed periods and excess weight BUT only when other possibilities have been ruled out by their health care provider.
3. aloe vera juice has natural detoxifying abilities,thereby improving bowel regularity and increasing protein absorption. It helps in increasing the BMR which results in more consumption of energy, thus reducing the BMI.
4. Aloe vera is also a laxative,which result in faster transit of food out of colon,resulting in reduced absorption.
5. If pathological causes are ruled out,then you can take aloe vera juice but along with restricted calorie intake,low fat food, and engage in some physical activity daily for 1 hour.
6. It is recommended to seek advice from your health care professional, if a person has colitis,
appendicitis, intestinal problems or
Crohn’s disease.
7. Consuming raw aloe vera gel helps stimulate gastric juices and helps to reduce discomfort arising from heartburn, reflux, stomach ulcers,
indigestion and