Observaton: Volume loss of both hippocampus Rest of both cerebral hemispheres show normal intensities of grey to whitematter. The cerebral sulci are prominent. The extra cerebral spaces are prominent. Screening cervical spine shows posterocentral disc protrusion with osteophytic changes C4-C5 level indending anterior aspect of cord and both exciting nerve roots . Posterior spondylisis C5-C6, C6-C7 level. Right mastoiditis. Diffuse Cortical Atrophy , No intraprenchymal Hemorrhages, Sol or Mass effect. Cervical spondylosis . Yesterday i.e., on 28.02.2011 evening at office i felt worse as not able to walk (tingling) IN THE HEAD BUT NOBODY in my office knew that. I had a Alprax 0.25 mg. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i felt great after half an hour that whole evening i was very happy after some Hard months suffering. Please Dr. u must guide treat help and advise to cure this diseases or Problem. Help me.