Thanks for using healthcaremagic.I understand your question.
Brief answer:Not really.
Detailed answer:
Blood groups(
ABO) doesn't play role in causing harm to the fetus,rather rhesus(Rh)factor---a protein on red blood cell (which may be negative or positive).This
Rh disease abnormality may happen only when mother is
Rh negative and father is Rh positive.
For example,consider the mother's blood group is A-ve(Rh negative) father's is O+ve(Rh positive) and the fetus(male) has inherited Rh factor(Rh+ve) from the father.In this setting,when small amount of baby's blood crosses the barrier and gets contacted with the mother's blood by chance,
antibodies will be produced against that Rh factor,which causes destruction of red blood cells in the fetus and death eventually.Usually first
pregnancy is spared because of low concentration of antibodies.Anti-D(Rho immunoglobulin injections prophylactically givenfor Rh negative pregnant women to prevent this alloimmunization.However consanguineous marriage is not recommended scientifically, which may result in genetic abnormalities(diseases) in future generations.Hope this information helps you.If any questions,happy to answer you.Take care.