Hi,i dont think so there is a term called partial
brain dead or complete brain dead but am not expert in thise terms when some one tells that a patient is brain dead there are manh crieteria to ne met first the patient should not be able to come out of ventilatory support,there wont be eye opening to painful stimulus,there are certain tests to be performed by a
neurologist or the physician handling the patients such as electro-encephalogram EEG before and
cold caloric water test of if the outcome of these tests are suggestive of brain dead then the patient is declared as brain dead
As there is 15 min delay in giving the support the chances of hypoxic
injury to the might have occoured but as the patient came put of ventilator it is a positive sign
Coming out of ventilator is a positive sign but the response lavels of the patient is also important there is a scale to evalute called a
glasgow coma scale the attending physician acesses the outcome by this score,during this period these patients are more susceptible to infections,as age of patient is a bit worriesome chance of
embolism is high and elecrolyte imvbalance might occour during the recovery,
physiotherapy will be helpful during this phase infact physiotherapy is more helpful
Only attending physcian can help you in explaing what is outcome in this kind pf patients because we need to take many crietrias before telling the prognosis at this stage