Overtime, i've learned to not to believe everything thats online, and recently, i came across several articles about curing cancers with Bicarbornate Soda/Sodium.
Significant article in question:
and this long winded passage about how Baking Soda works to cure cancer:
Which, to go so far even to give a general explaination of how cells devolve into cancer cell, and
"But just like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather, oxygen cannot stick to a blood cell if the ionic balance of the blood is acidic. This is what the physicians and oncologists are overlooking. Every damned one of them has observed the ringing alarm bell going off but have muffled their ears and closed their eyes because they are looking for some expensive and complicated cure for cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually very simple."
Can i know how legimate this article is?