Hi Doc,
I am currently undergoing my second bout to chemo Folfiri for my colon cancer i had a metase to my ovaries last september and had a full hystercomty and started chemo in november, when i stared my alts were elevated with a reading of 160. . they rose to280 byt my 3rd session and it was cancelled, they decreased to 150 and i started again, by the 6th session the were back to in the 200s and in January on my 7th session they were cancelled again and a biopsy carried out, thankfully they took 3 samples and they all came back benign, and i continued with the chemo again, my 10th session was yesterday and they read again at 230, they docs cancelled again and sent me for a ct scan, is it possible that the chemo is causing this to happen, i havent any pain in my side but my fatigue levels are high and i have a recently within the last week, i have also put on about 2stone in weight will commencing this chemo. is this a contirubutory factor?.. Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated.
Thanking you