I am 31 year old and have 2 year old son. I was expecting my second baby in this june. Pregnancy went well till 38.4 weeks with all reports being normal. I do not have blood pressure or diabetes or any other health problems. Pregnancy went normal without any events. On 5th I did scan and babies weight was 3.0. Doctor asked us to take c-section date and we choose 14th june. Tuesday on 8th, I was feeling extremely tired and had cramps in my legs. I also was feeling less baby movements. I went to doctor and they checked heartbeats. It was 148. So, they told us baby is fine and come for final checkup on 11th. I went on 11th and doctor couldn't find babies heartbeats. What could be the reason for this? I had to take out still born child immediately with second c-section. Is it okay to try conceiving for second baby now? I had one cycle of my menstrual period in August. What kind of care should I take and what are the chances of getting similar even repeated? Doctor told me that there was blood clot in umbilical cord and so babies heartbeat stopped suddenly.