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The other name of frontoparietal
morphea is,
Linear scleroderma en coup de sabre, given the resemblance of the skin lesions to the stroke of a sabre
Clinically, it is manifested by ivory-colored, sclerotic plaques distributed in a band-like fashion on the frontoparietal scalp and forehead.
Alopecia of the affected scalp is common and often the presenting complaint. Lesions may extend down the forehead to the nose, cheek.
It is usually a self-limited disease. Regression or softening of skin lesions often occurs, but complete resolution is unusual.
Treatment options are:
1.Topical, intralesional, and systemic
Vitamin D3 Analogues
3.Topical PUVA with UVA I therapy
4.Oral antimalarials like Hydroxychloroquin
Your treating doctor would tell you more about these modalities and the most suitable treatment option for you.