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Yes. Headache can be related to eye problem
Eye is actually developmentally part of brain which is exetended out of the skull.
Whenever eye problems like refractory errors(visual problem corrected by specs),
glaucoma,catract or retinal problems which cause visual difficulty can cause headache as secondary symptoms.
Allergy to light,
photophobia, is also responsible headache.
However a type of headache called migraine also includes symptoms of photophobia. If you have frequent
severe headache episodes,lasting for 2-4 hours and relived by medicines only, associated with nausea and precipitated with some food and excessive noise , it may be migraine.
cluster headache, there is redness of eye with watering of eye.
consult doctor for detail evaluation and treatment.
Hope I have answered your query.
Dr.Chintan Soanki.