ok i have missed my period for the first time in 3 years,i could be pregnant.i have taken home test some say postive some are negative.i went to the dr they started me on prenatel vitamins,but i test negative at the office,but they say i am not far enough along maybe because i could have gotten pregnant around the 14 of january,i have all the signs i have heart burn missed period no cramping,,my back hurts a lot.and when it came time for my normal period i did not have it 6 days later.i start little spotting like real pale pink only when i wipe,and then it got a little more then it stopped totally then a few hours later it is back.i pee very much more then i ever did i was checked for a kidney infection i did not have one,i have to return to the dr on monday for another blood test ,i have hot flashes,and get dizzy at times.please help me can u exsplain what this is going on.i am 16 years old.