Hi ,
how are you doing ?
Let me start by saying that you can definitely get pregnant. Tube could have got damaged due to any infection ascending from vagina. Once you have a tubal
pregnancy, your chances of tubal pregnancy is higher than normal population, but still you can have normal pregnancy.
Kindly look into the checklist to see if ant investigation is not done
Semen analysis at least 2- done 4 weeks apart preferably in an
infertility center ( examination done by andrologist), Blood sugars
Wife - Blood Sugars,
Thyroid profile
Ultrasound scans to evaluate
Uterus , Ovaries & adnexa
Confirm tubal patency- most important- Tube is the connection
between uterus & ovaries( the bridge where sperm meets the egg &
forms a baby) this is size of hair follicle & cannot be seen on scans.
So check with HSG( Xray with dye), or SSG ( Scan with dye) or
If all this done & found normal , nothing can stop a pregnancy with God's will
If at least one tube is patent, you can still get pregnant. If both tubes are blocked you can still get pregnant by IVF/
ICSI. Eggs are taken out of body using scan & sperms are injected into each egg. The embryo/ baby formed is directly kept back into the uterus , So no need of the tubes.
Never give up the hope of pregnancy. There is solution for every problem
Hope I have clarified your query, do write back if any more queries
All the best
Dr. Balakrishnan