You have not mentioned many other things about yourself like your weight, smoking habit, other medical problems like
Diabetes Mellitus and
Bronchial Asthma, other drugs you take on regular basis (many of them can raise your blood pressure), your cholesterol and other fat levels in blood, family history of hypertension and premature deaths due to heart attacks in your immediate family (parents, siblings, uncles, grand father and grandmother etc.
Most cases of hypertension fall within the preview of
Essential hypertension, where the exact cause is not known and the disease has a multifactorial basis having both genetic and environmental afctors inplay. However, there is a small group of hypertensives, specially in the younger age group, which have a distinct cause for the raised blood pressure which may be since birth (like Coarctation of Aorta, Polycystic kidneys) to several hormonal/ endocrinal diseases, kidney problems, drug induced damages to kidney and others. This second group is important as while in essential hypertension you have to be on drugs for indefinite period, perhaps life long, in the latter group the right treatment by surgical or medical therapy can in fact cure you for ever and you will never need to be on drugs on a long term basis.
By the information you provide, you appear to be a Hypertensive. The maximum upper limit of (high) normal blood pressure according to the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association is 140/ 90. Contrary to the view expressed by one of the writers above, systolic blood pressure (the upper value) is now considered equally dangerous if not more, than the diastolic blood pressure (the lower value).
Check your
Body Mass Index to know if you are over weight. This can be calculated as the body weight in kilo grams divided by the sqare of your height in meters. Normally it should be below 25. Above 30 it requires urgent attention. Make regular open air exercises your habit. How much exercise is optimum is a debated issue but about one hour exercise daily or at least four times a week may be sufficient.
The excercise should be isotonic like jogging, cycling, and if your electrocardiograph and cardiac reserve are good, swimming, but not isometric like lifting heavy weights.
Some but not all people respond to some extent by salt restriction. Avoid added salt in your food and cut the salt used in cooking to half. Stop smoking. High calcium and Potassium diets are supposed to give some protection against hypertension and are beneficial in
mild hypertension. Take plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables and cut your fat intake. Dont use ghee butter and animal fat and reduce the quantity of oil as the cooking medium. Olive oil is considered to be the best for heart but maize and sunflower oils also are cholesterol free. Avoid red meat like mutton and take small quantities of white meat like chicken (without skin), fish and birds if you are a non vegetrian. Small fish are supposed to be rich in Omega fatty acids and are said to be protective against the hardening of blood vesses (atherosclerosis) which leads to the
complications of hypertension.Skimmed milk, citrus fruits (lemon, oranges), germinating seeds like gram and lentils, tomatoes (rich in potassium) and carrots are fine but in moderate quantities.
Anecdotal reports of a tablespoonful of pure honey dissolved in water with added lemon juice reducing body weight are available. Two of my patients are doing well upon this regime. They take it daily as the first thing in morning. However, there is no scientific evidence in favor of this sort of therapy, and the same is the case with much of the advise given to you above including Yoga.
Check your lipid (fat) profile. It is important. The ratio between
total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein and other fats has important predictive value upon your developing defective blood supply in the heart muscles and chances of heart attack in future. Avoid pain killers if you use them regularly. Paracetamol (Calpol/ Metacin) is safe but drugs like Diclofenac Sodium, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin and cortisone used in certain joint diseases and allergic chest problems may be harmful.
Finally, if a six months trial of all this is of no benefit, start anti hypertensive therapy after consulting a physician or a cardiologist. Even mild degrees of sustained hypertension are now proved to harm the heart muscles and slowwly cause complications like heart failure and coronary artey disease in the long run.
These suggestions are general in nature. Please consult a good physician now. He may not be in hurry to put you on drugs right now but will be your best friend and guide for your health in future. I wish you a happy and healthy life. May Allah bless you!