Since the
i pill contain high doses of hormones, these can disrupt the normal
hormonal and period pattern causing period/bleeding abnormalities and appearance of new symptoms. Next period after taking i pill usually will be prolonged and its common. Look out for development of any other new symptoms .
pregnancy is suspected, or if your periods wont return for long time, or if you have abnormal periods, consider visiting your doctor/gynecologist at the earliest for thorough examination (to confirm pregnancy related changes/signs in body).
If pregnancy gets ruled out and if you are not ready for pregnancy, but intend to remain sexually active, you should consider getting started on suitable regular birth control measures to be protected (after periods). Be regular with birth control use as instructed. Avoid having unprotected sexual contact if you are not ready for pregnancy. Taking i pills repeatedly is not safe.
hair fall.
Medically the number of normal hair falling varies from few hair to up to 50-100 per day. Now if your hair falling more than 100s per day then it is definitely a problem. If it is not then you have to understand hair fall as normal process of day to day life.
If you have
dandruff, it has to be treated first. Use
nizoral shampoo thrice weekly if dandruff is there. Eat nutritious food and multi vitamin supplements. If nothing helps, please
consult a dermatologist. All the best
Dr Santosh