Masturbation is a natural thing.It is only harmful when you have a guilt about it or you are always preoccupied with it. Both the conditions are psychological issues rather than physical issues.At a younger age people usually have more sex drive and their frequency of masturbation is maximum. You can indulge in this activity as long as it is pleasurable and you have the drive for it. It should not cause you any pain. If you are doing excessive masturbation, then you have to decrease the frequency. You cannot stop masturbation totally because it is not a permanent solution.
consider following things:
1.First of all find out the cause of excessive masturbation. It could be because you are bored, lonely, hurt, stressed, or it could be because of pains from the past.
2. Identify the time when you indulge in masturbation frequently. If supposing it is at night then exercise just before going to bed. Exercise will also help you to be more tired and fall asleep faster.
3.Try to do activities that make you feel better. Motivate yourself to do things for yourself.
4.enjoy good time with your friends and family and join a gym along with your friends so that you spend maximum time outside where you cannot indulge in masturbation.
5.Doing exercise regularly and proper diet are essential to good health. Exercise is very important because it releases endorphins from the body.
yoga and
meditation will keep you calm and relaxed
And a very important thing is doing masturbation never affect your
fertility so don't be worried about that.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.