I am breastfeeding. I miscarried after slight case of stomach flu. My symptoms were slight fever, severe dehydration, and eventually heavy bleeding. I was still pregnant with a younger embryo (gestational sac.) It was maybe 2-4 weeks. I was feeling weak, but taking my vitamins still and still breastfeeding. I had slight bleeding a weak later like implantation bleeding. Then severe dehydration again. This time I stayed hydrated inspite of it. Then a day or two later kind of still feel pregnant. The miscarriage hcg dropped. Sometimes I get a blank hpt, but it is barely showing a line sometime. I started taking progesterone cream after the slight bleeding. I don t know if I am still pregnant or need to keep taking the progesterone cream. Was it low progesterone or a problem with the embryo that caused the miscarriage or dehydration and muscle pain from a slight case of gastroenteritis that caused the miscarriage? I was exposed to the person who initially had stomach flu again. I am not sure if it could make me sick twice if my initial case cleared up. The incidents were less than 2 weeks apart.