Hello. My daughter is six years old. Her problem began half a year ago with a simple bladder infection.We took her into a clinic and the doctor prescribed her a medication,it was only a few days on the medication and she began to lose control of her bladder and bowels completely.We had an appointment with our family doctor who told us to take her off of the medication immediately,she said it was not meant for children and should not have been prescribed because along with the bad bacteria, it takes out the good as well.We followed her directions, but ever since then my daughter has had problems holding her bladder,and sometimes it feels as though she has accidents but nothing will be there. We have had her checked by several doctors including our family physician,and there is never a trace of infection. She is a very healthy happy little girl,and we're just concerned that maybe that medication harmed her bladder in some way? Any information or guidance that you could provide would be of great help. Thank You.