couple of week i had myasthenia gravis, and was rushed to hosp. doctors treated me as par the latest assessment of midicine, and gave rest for three weeks, medications are prescribed for me to take untill next appointed date of three weeks to assess the disease situation. i had experienced double vision and extreme dizziness during the initial attack of developed during the time passing, unable to chew the normal food and swallow and gradually unable to talk and pronounce the words properly with stuttering speeach and breathing intensive. now flwng meciations or being continued. need your suggestion if it will restore to my health after getting the course completed. flwng are my particulars and drugs. age : 53 male, height 5.2 weight 55 pounds. skin white paches around the whole body, original color balck,,, getting whiter on all body. drugs... prescribed... 1) mestinon-- pyridostigmine bromide 60mg 2 tabs 3 times a day 2) gupisone 5 mg 6 tabs once two days. then next 5 tabs and reduce the next until one daily. 3) calcium lactate 300.. daily one...