I have had stomach pains below my right rib and extreme nausea for about a month. I’ve lost 15 lbs, barely eaten, and been in awful pain for a while. The pain worsens when I eat anything. I’ve been to the hospital multiple times and was admitted for a few days. They did a ct, ultrasound, hida scan and upper gi which were all negative. The doctor believed I had an ulcer and treated me with ulcer medication (prevacid, Carafate) The pain/nausea got better and I was discharged from the hospital. After a week, the pain/nausea worsened again and I went in for an EGD, which showed that my stomach was very red and inflamed. The doctor diagnosed me with Chronic Gastritis and prescribed Nexium. I have had no relief and the side effects of the Nexium are awful on top of my pain. Do you think any of this could be gynecology related? Possible endometriosis? Would you recommend an MRCP? And do you have any idea of what is causing my inflammation/pain and what could help me? Thank you so much!