Hi and thanks for choosing HCM,
A diastolic notch in uterines as such does not have much significance in isolation. If there are abnormalities in both uterine arteries and umbilical arteries then it is worrisome.
Your wife is already 34 weeks pregnant. If there is a need for delivery after 34 weeks the baby is mostly mature enough to survive outside the
uterus. The lungs are developed, the only issue is
birth weight. It would have helped a lot if you could have provided a detailed report about
gestational age, baby weight and amount of liquor as this would have helped in providing you with better options. If the liquor [
amniotic fluid is Ok then there is usually no need to worry].
As of now I suggest you get a bio physical profile done. If it is OK, Just ask your wife to keep watch on the babies movements. If there are 3 movements in an hour or 10 during the day, it is fine. If at any time the baby does not move or moves less than normal, visit a doctor urgently.
Drink plenty of water and eat a proper diet high in
proteins and carbohydrates. Include an egg or sprouts in the diet. Take a glass of milk daily and an extra serving of food or an extra meal during the day in addition to her regular intake is sufficient. Ask your wife to lie on the left side as far as possible as it improves blood supply to the baby.
Repeat the doppler after 1 week on different machine to see if there is any worsening of findings. If no, then just continue this regimen.
Do not worry so much as you have crossed the danger zone of 34 weeks below which delivery is a risk for the baby.
Hope this helped.
thanks for using HCM.
Dr Madhuri Bagde
Consultant Ob Gy