If my mucus is white and sticky is it HIV? I also have a cold sore. Beside my lip. 3months ago I tried crack cocaine and shared a pipe with lord who knows. I then checked myself into the hospital. I wanted to kill myself at the time. As I felt ashamed and guilty. I spent three days in the pshyc ward. I have not tried cocaine since then. I now go to Cocaine Anonymous. But weeks after, I had a sore throat, but sore throats were going around at the time. About a month later my muscles were hurting. Mostly my hamstrings. I have been hitting the gym since then. I feel great. My elbow joints have been a bit tender. Not sure if it is from lifting the wrong from one day. I had a rash on my
Chest. It is now gone. I have been so depressed, I do not know why. I have been lethargic. I don't know if it is from being lazy and not eating right. I have HSV 2 I think. As my spouse gave it to me. So when I tried crack cocaine. I'm scared I might have gotten HIV from sharing a pipe. I have two bumps behind my ear. I have no clue what it is. I lie and bed everyday and don't feel like doing anything. Although I go to the gym six days a week. I feel like I'm in great shape. But lately my knees have been tender. And elbows. I'm so scared. It feels like my eyeballs are wrapped around my head. I beat myself up
everyday for my mistakes. One time shortly after my incident, I went rollerblading and was very winded. I'm not sure if it was all the smoking crack that time. Please don't judge me. I grew up with great morales. My life sucked. But I was taught from right from wrong. I don't know what lead me to trying cocaine in the first place. I might have A.D.D. And was abused as a kid. I hate myself for trying cocaine in the first place. I did like it. But would if I have HIV now because of my stupidity. Thank you for listening. I mean it from the heart. Cheers!!!