Hello, my name is Jeff. I am a very healthy guy, very rarely even get a cold, but 2 weeks ago I started to get a sore throat. it was only on the right side of my throat, and within two days the lymph nodes under my chin on the right side of my neck were sore and slightly swollen. On the third day when I returned home from work I had a low grade fever, and went to bed immediately. I felt better the next day, had no fever after that, and within 7 days my sore throat and swollen glands got better. Being a light marijuana smoker, and an occaisional cigarette smoker, I smoked marijuana after my sore throat had almost gone away almost completely. But now I have noticed it is slightly sore again, and my sinuses have been a little sore, but I haven t had any aches or felt ill in the rest of my body. Could smoking marijuana again so soon after my throat infection have caused me to restart the infection? I looked at my throat, it is a little red, with a few very small bumps of the same color.