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The swelling if a lymph node is not because of the meth directly but due to an infection, inflammation or malignancy of your head and neck area. You need to get examined by an ENT Doctor who will find the cause and treat you appropriately. Since you are 'smoking' a dangerous drug, thought I should enlighten the effects of this drug. It may be legal in some states in the US, BUT it is very dangerous and causes the same side effects of cocaine.
Here are the side effects which could harm your body,
Tachycardia (Rapid heartbeat),
hypertension (
High blood pressure),
vasoconstriction (Narrowing of the blood vessels), insomnia, nausea,
stomach cramps, digestive problems, bruxism (Grinding teeth), increased body temperature, chills, sweating, pupil dilation, headache, kidney pain, tinnitus, dizziness, overstimulation, breathing difficulty, agitation/hypertonia, SUDDEN DEATH.