Hallow Dear,
The egg is released (ovulation) 14 days before the next expected period. The egg has a life of 24 hours while the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of about a week around the day of ovulation is Fertile Window. You had intercourse on day 2 and day 5/6 after the menstrual period. First intercourse is far from the Fertile Window; however, your next sexual relations are very much in the boundaries of Fertile Window. So, there is a possibility of
pregnancy. You can wait for the menses to start. If they are delayed, you may perform pregnancy test on overnight morning first urine sample a week after the missed period; earlier they may report false negative. Alternatively, you may opt for
Beta hCG test on the blood 10 days after the last
unprotected intercourse.
The spotting you had in the midcycle is
Mittelschmerz. Mittelschmerz is some spotting with pain in abdomen (sometimes) occurring at the time of ovulation. It is not diagnostic of pregnancy. It is not an issue of concern at all and needs no special attention.
Headache and
tiredness are not at all the symptoms of pregnancy. Any symptom of pregnancy starts showing up only after about 8-10 days after missing the period. You may be having some viral infection like 'flue'. You may report to your physician for these symptoms. Medicines like
Paracetamol or
Tylenol can give you relief from these symptoms.
I hope this clears your doubts and provides you guidelines.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri