I have problems in nasal breathing, suffering from a difficulty in breathing through the nose and alternating congestion in my both nostrills, although I did 3 surgeries one to correct the deviated septum, and the two others to reduce the turbinates size (turbinactormy and coblation) but no such improvement happens, I tried also corticosteroids and anthistamine but they don t help also. The afrin is the only medicine that gives me a temporealy relief and open the passages of both nostrills, but it s prohibted to use for more than 3 days because of it s rebound effect. and I try also all home remedies and saline spray without improvement. one doctor said to me that I have vasomotor rhinitis and there is no treatment for it. But I m depressed of my case and life at all, I can t focus on anything in the daily tasks so please can anyone help me what should I do.