i want to list medications prescribed & check their compatibility they are zyprexa, metformin, Depakote, methyldopa, buspirone, vit c, ferrous sulfate,& antibiotic-clindamiacin.& and doxyclicline...patient has 22q,11.2 deletion syndrome as primary medical diagnosis, other conditions are : celiac disease, PCOS, currently contracted cellulitis in her feet (they are red swollen but scabs are gone) & patient has been in a psychotic state unable to stabilize. (methyldopa is genetic specific drug to address the COMT problem in 22q, zyprexa is for delusional thoughts/hallucinations depakote is being stepped down & eliminated buspirone is for GAD w/ 22q metformin is for cutting edge trtmt.for PCOS, patient has calmed the symptoms of irritability but is confused. 25% of pop. w22q have psychiatric issues: patient diagnosed with bi-polar disorder/schizoaffective disorder, patient 30 lbs overweight ,currently eating well on gluten free diet w/ limited diet choices, meds compliant & has not had a major psychotic episode in well over 5 yrs, unknown reason for this particular onset/relapse.since 1999 17 mental health admissions, diagnosed 22q at age 34, now is 45& & was the comm. M H Cntr s Model for client Recovery now a relapse. She has been under care of local crisis center 2 wks & was taken to a hospital where she can be more medically monitored.patient was discontinued on Depakote over 5 yrs ago i believe it wasa due to possible low platelets. any contraindication with this combination of meds?i see top right there is a charge- how much? im sorry-, im a beginner with a computer.. i did not see terms and & don t understand the conditions!