Hi, My name is mark. I am 25 years old, I am a web developer. From my childhood i was very good in studies even when i not study well i still do very good in exams. It was till about 16 years of age. After that I understand that i need to achieve something in my life so i decided to work hard on my studies and became a very good software engineer. But don t know now i started showing bad results in exams while i study day night and work hard. In this way i completed my degree 3 years ago it was recession period and i not able to find good job. So i started with small one and i got success and open my own software company. But i don t know now i have to work hard to get my company to top. I am not able to focus on my work. I continuously play games and watch movies on my notebook instead of doing my work. While i know i am doing wrong, but i can t help it my mind just stop working and force me to these stuff. Please help me what is wrong.... I also want to tell you my family history and about my personal life may be it helps. My father was from a joint family. He get married to my mother and they live together with my grand father, and my father s other brother and sisters. My father is the oldest one in all. But no body respect him because i also found he is bit lazy and don t know much family relationship. My father s brother and sisters hate my mother while my mother do all good for them. So after facing much torture from them my parent get separated. My parents love me a lot and upto 10 years of age of mine they try to provide me everything i wanted. But after that i realize financial state of my family is not good at all. So i started saving money. From my childhood i keep having long discussion fights with my mother, but i love and respect her from my heart . I am not much good looking, so i keep distance from girls from i was a child. From about 12 years of age I mostly like to be in my room. I don t like to go out, may be i afraid from getting disrespected or ignored by other, as i don t like this. Now I am living a life just equal to prisoner always in my room in-front of my notebook, in this way i have lost my company. Have worked on 2 of my own websites, which developed taking very long time and much of time i wasted in playing video games and watching movies. Please i want to know why i do wrong while i know i am doing wrong and why i keep myself in my room only don t want or afraid of being out. Is this a mental disorder or something else. Please suggest how can i get rid of it....... Please help me. Best Regards, Mark