I have been on Lortab, (following car being run over by car resulting in burst vertabrae fractures , thorasic fusion gone bad, now have 2006 recently changed to oxycodone as the hydrocodone was no longer working for my pain. Am considering a osteotomy for the Kyphosis I now have. (I have been seen by vascular surgeon to rule out PAD because of pain and weakness in legs. He said I dont have PAD only very mild CAD. I have been on Nadolol for SVT s since 1998 (which worked very well) but my drug plan no longer will cover it as the price went up threefold, so my primary Dr, put gave me samples of Bystolic , which I have been taking since 1/31 I also need a complete shoulder replacement, but have been trying to get by with Depo-Medrol 80mg every 3 months. The injections are no longer working, except for about 1 month. he told me when I was in this past Jan. that my shoulder joint was very inflammed. So, I asked by primary about some kind of NSAID , and he gave me 6 capsule of celebrex to try. That was 6 days worth, one a day. I took my last one Thurs. the 7th of March. The morning of the 6th I awoke to swollen legs and ankles, and hands. None of my rings will go on. Also, my muscles in certain parts of my body, are very sore. Especially in my legs, in the thighs and calves. I am always aware of these things, as am already disabled from accident and have to walk with extreme care. But also today I noticed my calves are somewhat red, and then my ankles are puffy and white. I am trying to find out which of the new drugs could be causing this muscle aching, and weakness. It has to be either the bystolic or the celebrex. Of course have not had the celebrex since Thurs. but am concerned now about all possible drug interactions. Below is a complete list of what I take: And I am female, almost 65 yrs old. I am the type of person that investigates drug interactions, side effects, etc. as niether my Dr. nor Pharmacy seem to be doing that. Oxycodone=pain for back 10/325 every 6 hrs PRN..NEW (replace hydrocodone) Spiriva=COPD (prevention of flares) Elavil= to eliminate tension headaches 50mg bedtime Diazepam=nerve damage, anxiety, rest 10mg. 3x day Ventolin HFA 18 grams.....PRN (NEW) *Bystolic 10 mg 1x day....(replaced Nadolol) started on 01/31/13 (NEW)*Celebrex 200mg. 1x day..( sample started on 03/01 ended 03/0/13 I live on disability so if I have to pay too awfully much, I wont be able to do so. Guess I will just walk into my Dr.s office with no appt. and demand answers. Thank You.