hi, i am 25 years old male, i got a chest pain like a finger point last september 2011, i went to a doc. chest specialist he said nothing is there whereas he did my ecg that time and was normal,, but in January 2012 in winter season, I felt that I was having long and deep breath to complete my breath,, But i had no chest pain that time,, but i had yawning, throat cough that time,, i went to an ENT specilist he said ur nose bone is increased that s why u r having problem so this june 2012 I did a nasal surgery, after 2 or 3 weeks i again felt a throat tightness and cough , but now this month I feel again cough, phelgum, chest tightness (chest pain like a fingertip on my chest) , and mostly the Throat tightness,,, I took a medicine from a general physician he said it is throat infection,, Is it throat infection really or It could be ashtma or any other things before nasal surgery i got my chest xray it was normal,,, please help i am really worried about it.....