My mother complained that she had a pain in her chest . She lacked energy for every day tasks and had trouble breathing. She rather foolishly I believe told the doctors she visited that indigestion tablets relieved the pain. Only to happy to save money they ordered no tests until it was too late to be of use to her. As she laid in the coroners slab one fantastically sunny and warm day, after several weeks of visiting the doctor s surgery , she must have got real comfort from the fact that her ECG was booked for the following day. She was presenting her GP s with heart failure problems, furthermore she was a diabetic which I believe put her in a high risk group. I believe my mother died because her GP s were worried about other things like the colour of the chairs in their surgery, the state of their new blinds, maybe the delivery date of their new sports car. Does any one see any evidence that I am wrong in my conclusion?