I have a question for you.... the last 2 weeks I have been going through hell with my 10yr old daughter. She woke up with abdominal pain on a Wednesday. Wouldnt eat or drink, took her to her pcp, said it was a virus. By Friday, we ended up in the er. Found a thickened appendix. Admitted her. In the morning, they repeated blood work. Because her wbc dropped to 5.2, they sent us home. Monday she was still having troubles, surgeon repeated blood work. Finally received results. Wbc was 7. Meanwhile she lost 2 lbs, still wouldnt eat or drink much. We went back to pcp who said her appendix needed to ripen before anything is done. We ended up back in er last night with same issues. Wbc is now at 10. But again, sent us home. Why is the wbc creeping back up?