Hello there, My 3 year old daughter caught (what we believe to be) a stomach bug on Saturday, the 19th of October. She began vomiting around 1am Monday and vomited a few times throughout the day Monday (mostly clear(ish), spit-up kind of episodes). The last time she threw up was about 1:30am on Tuesday and she did not vomit again until 8:30pm on Thursday. This time, it was a lot, thick, and had bits of food in it. She vomited again, the same kind, at 6pm Friday. I called our telehealth line and they recommended the BRAT diet . She has gone all weekend without vomiting and just now vomited (5:45pm Sunday). She has no other symptoms - no fever, happy, playing, has good colour, WANTS to eat, has an appetite , is voiding fine. She does seem more tired than usual but she is not lethargic at all. What could be causing this? She is hungry and wants to eat, but then sometimes vomits and sometimes doesn t.