my 4 year old has had a recurring , persistent cough (acute cough, not wet or dry and hoarse) has lasted 7 days without any change. This is the 3 rd time. First time , gave lots of herbal teals with local honey , since just moving to the Eastern mountains, figuring local allergies. It went away. Second time, nothing was relieving it, so doctor prescribed cetirizine 5 mg did fade away after a couple of days. Now 2 months later is back. She does have some congestion in nose but not chest. Not that I can hear , anyway. Two of these incidents also ran congruent with pink eye in both eyes and in the ears. My question is, could this be something that we should look at as an ongoing, debilitating , problem, i.e. asthma? Or, could something in her environment be a contributor, for instance mold, allergies, smoke, etc?