Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Low platelets count is known as
thrombocytopenia as in your daughter case and sometimes we don't find any cause of this disorder and we call it as idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura , need not to worry . Is such situation occurs plenty of fluid orally helps ,if there are no any other sign or symptoms.
If platelets count decreases less then 50000 /c mm then we have to interfere otherwise no need particularly in so young child.
fever occurs then think about serological test for any virus.
The drug of choice has given and results were very nice as you noted.
But drawback of this regime is that it increases lecocytes ( lymphocytes) , but need not to worry .
Once you stop
prednisolone patient will recover within 7 days i.e. lymphocytes count will come down without any treatment as I have noted in so many patients.
Bruise were due to decrease level of platelets so don't take it otherwise as this is known as petechial hemorrhage. Normal count is 150000-4.50000 /c mm .
If platelets decreases once again then
consult a hematologist and get his opinion.
Good luck for your daughter.