Constipation -
It is due to wrong adoptive bowel habit,dietetic error etc
continue using laxative, child get habitual for that and essential body element also goes.
I Would Advice:
1.High Fiber diet - whole grains , vegetable, fruits etc.
2.Adopting healthy bowel habit.
3.Encourage child to spend time in toilet after meals.
4.Give plenty of water.
5.Applying warm, moist cloth to the anus , stimulating bowel movements. Mild Laxative,
6.Offer age-appropriate positive reinforcement for developing regular toilet habits
7.Plenty of water
8.Proper and Regular Diet(Break fast/ lunch/Snacks/Dinner)
9.Proper counseling
10.Toilet Training
11.Encourage for defecation after each meals.
For Green Stool:
Green stool - is because of Bile is not digested by intestine, Intestine is not matured to digest bile.
If stool is still green by the time it is excreted from the body, it could mean that it went through the large intestine too fast to be changed to brown. This is often called "rapid transit" or "decreased colonic transit time," and
diarrhea that is green in color could be the result.
Fever - May be it is viral.
if possible. you can get back to me with the progress in case u need further suggestions.
"i wish your child get well soon"
Regards Dr Sagar Mhatre