I'm 13 years old, female, 5'1 and weigh 92 pounds. I've been suffering from constipation for the past month. What I can admit is, I never got enough fibre or water before this problem. Right now i've been eating raisin bran cereal, oranges, a bit more water (probably not enough) and veggies. (also probably not enough.) A few days ago, my family had dinner out and i had to eat something. I had three pieces of 4 inch pepperoni pizzas at Romeo's(they were really small). The next day I had two more for lunch. Did this add to my constipation and make it worse? Anyways, that day we went out for dinner, my dad gave me three senokot laxatives.(the natural ones.) The next morning I had a runny poop. Then that night my dad gave me one more senokot. Yesterday morning, I had a runny poop again, then I went to school. At about 2:20 pm I started getting really bad stomach cramps around the abdomen and below the ribcage. My dad took me to the clinic, and the doctor said that I should keep having a senokot daily until my system is back to normal. Today, I had one runny poop in the morning but then after school i tried plenty of times and i only got a tiny bit more out. I feel as if a hard poop is stuck and that is preventing all of the other poop to come out??? Tonight i had four senokots, and hopefully that will clear me out?? I am really worried and stressed out that I might become sick or never be able to poop regularly. I'm also scared to eat anything like bread, rice, cookies, meat... anything! I'm scared it would make it all worse. Im at the point where I'd do anything to actually have relief!! It' upsetting.