my son is 7 1/2 years old, and for a few days now has been compliaining about a bubble in his throat which comes and goes, and stops him breathing , which sounds like a mucus build of of phlegm , now has complained about itching in his ears for 2 days, and started to cough a little today, and I put him to bed, and 3 hours woke up with croup , barking, not managing to breathe, and I could hear the mucus obstructing his airways, I have a nebuliser at home, but only have Duolin respules 0.5mg/ 2.5mg in 2.5ml, if he wakes up again shall I nebulize him with one respule, or saline solution, obviously I am off to the doctor in the morning, but incase he waskes with another attack, 2 previous attacks we had to rush him to hospital, but that was 2 years ago. Thanks Nicole