My 11 year old daughter has marble sized bumps above each outside corner of her eyes on her eye brow bone. She's had them since she was born although they've never been a concern. They have gotten bigger over time. In fact last week I was just thinking to myself how much bigger one of them had gotten. She also has a large, fairly prominent birthmark that runs down one side of her face. I'm not sure if these things are a concern but she has a weak immune system and is sick with viruses fairly regularly. She gets minor headaches, throws up, has diarrhea and runs a fever every couple of weeks or so. I've been to her regular doctor many times, urgent care, a neurologist and the ER. Every doctor tells us she's having migraines. They never tell me what these lumps are and I always ask. Today she called me crying saying one of her eye lumps was hurting (something she's never said before,) her vision was blurry, her ear hurt and she was nauseous. I took her to the ER and again she's having migraines! I'm so frustrated. I feel like something is wrong with her but nobody believes me! They've done no further testing than blood/urine tests and no imagining. The neurologist did a few simple physical tests in the office. There has to be more to this... This poor girl has had both the whooping cough and influenza confirmed by tests at the clinic. Please help! Thank you!