Hello Mr,Jitendra, thanks for visiting the site of H.C.M.C.
I would like to say that three antibiotics in row to a small child is not good.
Ofloxacin, and ibu+
paracetamol so
nasal bleeding will be there ,please stop at once there.
Fever is very high 104 F so the possible reason of this fever may be
Malaria, please make a
blood test of your's child at once.
I have seen so many cases where high temp in these days particularly in India , is due to Malaria.
If slide is not +ve do a second test with card and things will clear.
If you feel such type of condition in future please don't be in panic.
Start at once cold sponging over forehead and also over abdomen of patient, you may take ice also for this.
Relief will be at once.
Please note down that when you go to a lab if
high fever is there report will exert exact result.
Good luck for you and your little chap. Dr,HET.