Hi I'm a 31 year old female with a good bit of medical issues, but my main problem now is the chest pain I have been having for years now. It stared like 3 years ago everyday I would get a continuous pain in the middle of my chest and some times it would be so bad that it would radiate through my back, it would even wake me up at night. I seen a cardiologist and ruled out hear already. But besides that for sometime now when I drink something hot, or swollow something to big when it passes that spot in my chest it hurt/burns even if I'm not in continuous pain at that movement. It's like I can feel the food or drink going down me esophagus and when it get to that spot it hurts really bad but when it passes the pain passes. It feels a lot like the continuous chest pain I have been getting but it passes as soon as the food passes that spot. So the crazy part of it is that I had a scope (EDG I think it's called) today, and they said everything looked normal. Now I'm in worse pain from the scope with yet again no answers..
Here is some of my other medical history. I have a few different kinds of autoimmune diseases. I was first diagnosed with Wegener's but it now inactive wegener's. I was also diagnosed with Sjogrens, but back in march my platelets dropped to 10,000 and I was put in the hospital, so I'm guessing that Sjogrens don't attack your platelets cause they have now changed that part of my diagnosis to "POSIBlE" Lupas. But still between my Hematologist and Rheumatology they are not 100% sure. I have been on predisone since march and now I take chloroquine too.
Do you think my chest pain could be part of my autoimmune disorder? I'm tired of being in pain and not being able to enjoy my AM coffee.