Dear Dr, Regarding your answer about my cbc test. I would to inform you that I don t have significant symptoms, but in the last three weeks I was having the following: 1- small grains in the chin area, especially after shaving. 2- Unhealthy food system, lack of execise and sport activities, which leds to suffer from Constipation and abdominal gas, with small pain thats takes long period of time in lower right part of my stomch ( not stomch exactly) upper side of the right waist . 3- On Feb 1, 2012 I donated blood . It is my first time. 4- coughing but not always just short periods of time but now im good. I uploaded my biochimstry, cdc tests for u, and i did Urine test this morning and the result was fine with no significant remarks everything is normal. Thank u Dr . And i am waiting ur answer. Thank u. 3- coughing but not always just in short times