It is still difficult to ascertain the cause for all the disorders via investigations and procedures, a few things still are abstract, they are there just in the form of symptoms and at times imparing the health further progressively with time. CRPS is one such condition.
We have two main systems of medication prevalent throughout the globe these days and they are Allopathy and Homoeopathy. Both have their own ideology for treating the patients, wherein Homoeopathy values the symptoms most, the nature of symptoms occuring, their modality means when things are getting better and when worse and treats them accordingly.
Another important factor from homoaopatic point of view is the past history of the child, past history means since from her intrauterine life, the health of mother, delivery, post natal complications if any, any major illness like Cancer,
asthma, prevalent in the blood relations.
In allopathy the best you could do is you are already doing so i would suggest you to consult a good homoeo Doctor also.
You can also consult a Homoeo Physician because Homoeopathy also has good results.
Wish you a speedy recovery to health
Dr.Rajinder Singh
Homoeopathic Physician